You are an executive, a business owner. You focus your effort and time on growing your business and taking care of your family. You carefully select the activities for the day to ensure your time is wisely spent. You want to dedicate more time to your finances but there are only 24 hours in a day. It is challenging to keep up with financial markets, regulations and tax advantages. You want someone to take care of your finances with the same level of care.
As your financial advisor, I commit to fully engage with your financial needs and invest my skills and knowledge to make the most out of your situation. You will have access to financial advice that creates tangible value for you (for example: tax planning, estate planning, investment planning, cash management) and you will have the benefit of seeing your financial future today so we can anticipate and make timely and smart decisions to grow your wealth.
A real financial plan
The Living Market podcast with host Philip Petursson
A weekly synopsis of market themes and trends